Welcome to the Digital Transformation Cluster of the Civil Society Convention for the Future of Europe!

As part of the Civil Society Convention for the Future of Europe (more information below), ECAS is soliciting your opinions on Europe’s Digital Transformation, with the aim of elaborating policy proposals that will feed into the EU’s priority of “A Europe fit for the digital age”. 

This crowdsourcing activity is composed of 5 questionnaires which you can complete at the links below.

We ask you to please indicate your policy ideas/proposals in the form of statements (max 2 sentences) under each of the topics and subtopics that are relevant to you. If you would like to add a policy priority that does not fall under any of the subtopics, please feel free to add your statement in the box OTHER in each/any of the questionnaires.

To avoid repetition, please consult the answers from the previous respondents before inserting your replies, by using the dedicated links that you can find below or at the top of each questionnaire’s page.

Thank you for your contribution!

  • Questionnaire one: Digital Democracy Click here to start!
    This questionnaire covers the following sub-topics: E-Government, E-Transparency, E-Participation, E-voting/E-elections.
    If you want to check out what the previous respondents answered, you can find their contributions here.

  • Questionnaire two: Digital Education Click here to start!
    This questionnaire covers the following sub-topics: Digital Competencies, Digital Skills, Digital Learning, Media Literacy, Awareness Raising.
    If you want to check out what the previous respondents answered, you can find their contributions here.

  • Questionnaire three: Digital Safeguards Click here to start!
    This questionnaire covers the following subtopics: Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Online Disinformation, Audiovisual Media Services, Integrity of Elections, Terrorist Content, Online Hate Speech, Illegal Content Online. 

If you want to check out what the previous respondents answered, you can find their contributions here.

  • Questionnaire four: Defending rights and freedoms online Click here to start!
    This questionnaire covers the following subtopics: Secure and sustainable digital infrastructures, Digital citizenship, Digital Services, Online Privacy, E-Information, Net Neutrality, Data (Protection and Retention), Copyright, Online safety of journalists and ensuring plurality of voices in digital media, Protecting fundamental rights in the online environment. 

If you want to check out what the previous respondents answered, you can find their contributions here.

  • Questionnaire five: Digital economy Click here to start!
    This questionnaire covers the following topics: Digital Industry 4.0 (e.g. Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, etc.), Digital Finance, Data Economy, Supporting Green Digital Solutions, Social welfare in the Digital Age, Digital Business/Companies.

If you want to check out what the previous respondents answered, you can find their contributions here.

What  is the Convention’s Digital Transformation Cluster?

The Civil Society Convention on the Conference of the Future of Europe is a network of more than 90 organisations all over Europe and was initiated to create a link between civil society organisations and the institutional setting of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The goal is to ensure an ambitious, structured and looking forward agenda for the Conference, and that citizens’ proposals and concerns will be taken into account in the agenda setting and discussions, and be followed up with the most adequate and concrete policy, legislative and, if relevant, treaty change solutions.

The Civil Society Convention’s Digital Transformation Cluster will contribute to bringing proposals that will feed into the EU’s priority of “A Europe fit for the digital age”. The ambition of this priority is to strengthen the EU’s digital sovereignty and set standards on data, technology, and infrastructure - with a clear focus on education, ethics, fundamental rights and European values. 

The elaboration of the Convention’s Digital Transformation proposals will go through a crowdsourcing exercise that will include 4 different phases: 1. Ideas Collection (Jul-Nov 2021), 2. Ideas Selection (Nov-Dec 2021), 3. Policy Formulation (Jan-Mar 2022) and 4. Resolution and Adoption (Apr-May 2022). 

In this first Ideas Collection phase, we would like to collect your ideas about what priorities you think the EU should focus on in the next few years in the context of Europe’s digital transformation. This crowdsourcing activity is composed of 5 questionnaires covering 5 broad topics (Digital Democracy,  Digital Economy,  Digital Education, Digital Safeguards and Digital Rights), and each divided into different subtopics.

Community Guidelines and Disclaimer

We encourage respondents to share their views, insights, and policy ideas freely in their answers to the questionnaires.

While English is the preferred language for responding to the questionnaires, each respondent may input their contributions in their own language if they so wish.

We encourage respondents to use clear language, that is both accurate and easily comprehensible for policy makers as well as the wider European public.

The responses given will be monitored by ECAS’s moderators. ECAS reserves the right to delete replies if these meet any of the following criteria:

  • Qualify as spam or troll content: anything that is solely promotional, that links to a malicious website, is excessively repetitive, or is not relevant to the topics discussed shall be considered as spam;

  • Condone violence or illegal behaviour and are threatening;

  • Include abusive, offensive, libellous, illegal, defamatory, and/or discriminatory content;

  • Contain sensitive, proprietary or confidential information.

If you encounter any problem while filling in the questionnaire, do not hesitate to contact Elisa Lironi, ECAS Senior Manager European Democracy (elisa.lironi@ecas.org).

Digital Democracy - The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in political and governance processes.

The aim of this survey is to collect your proposals/policy ideas that you would like to see implemented as priorities by the EU in 4 sub-realms of Digital Democracy, namely: E-Government, E-Transparency, E-Participation and E-Voting/E-Elections. Please indicate your policy ideas/proposals in max 2 sentences under each of the areas that are relevant to you. You will also find a text box 'Other' at the end where you can indicate any other other policy idea/priority that does not fall under any of the existing subtopics.

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